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Our donor community share our vision of a just and equitable world where communities and ecosystems can thrive. It includes Luminate, Oak Foundation, Waverley Street Foundation, National Endowment for Democracy, Mott Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and a number of major donors and smaller trusts and foundations. Their support means that we can answer more calls for assistance across more countries than ever before.

As a social enterprise, we also generate income from providing mission-related consultancy and training services to nonprofits and foundations. Any surplus generated by this activity is reinvested back into our mission to build resistance and resilience among the people and communities challenging power.

2024 income and expenditure breakdown

Charitable nature

Open Briefing is organised and operated like a US public charity and meets the 501(c)(3) public-support requirements. US grantmakers can request and access our equivalency determination certificate in the NGOsource repository.

Charitable foundations in the United Kingdom are able to support our work under guidance issued by the Charity Commission in 2017. We are also an affiliate fund of the Chapel & York UK Foundation in order to facilitate tax-efficient giving for donors where required.

        • Our articles of association include a non-profit clause and an asset lock, and there are no shareholders.
        • Our work meets the public benefit requirement set out by the Charity Commission.
        • Our mission aligns with the ‘advancement of human rights’ charitable purpose set out in the Charities Act 2011.
        • NGOsource has certified us as equivalent to a US public charity.
        • The Social Enterprise World Forum has certified us as a genuine People + Planet First social enterprise.
        • Social Enterprise UK has certified us as a social enterprise.
        • CIVICUS has recognised us as a legitimate and trusted civil society actor through their voting member verification process.


Our financial year runs 1 June to 31 May. Our annual accounts are audited and available online at Companies House.

“Open Briefing’s holistic approach to security has enabled Goldman Environmental Prize winners to continue their work. They go far beyond what is expected to provide excellent support. Open Briefing is a trusted partner that we depend on to support our most at-risk activists, organisations and partners.”

Goldman Environmental Foundation

Open Briefing is a certified social enterprise and a member of
the CIVICUS global civil society alliance and the Vuka! coalition