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The weekly briefing, 8 September 2014: Al-Shabaab leader killed in US drone strikes, ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels, Russian ships depart to reopen Arctic naval base, and more

Political and security risk updates from Open Briefing and Bradburys Global Risk Partners. Al-Shabaab leader killed in US drone strikes in Somalia, ceasefire signed between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels, Russian ships depart to reopen Arctic naval base on New Siberian Islands, and more.

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The weekly briefing, 1 September 2014 – Calls for Pakistani prime minister to resign, West warns Russia of heightened sanctions, al-Nusra Front holds Fijian peacekeepers hostage, and more

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit and Bradburys Global Risk Partners. Calls for Pakistani prime minister to resign as violent clashes continue, West warns Russia of heightened economic sanctions following incursion of Russian armed forces into eastern Ukraine, al-Nusra Front holds Fijian peacekeepers hostage in Syrian side of Golan Heights, and more.

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The weekly briefing, 28 July 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. United States to consider limited refugee programme in Central America amid immigration emergency, European Union scales up economic sanctions against Russia, international efforts to secure ceasefire between Israel and Hamas continue as death toll tops 1,000, and more.

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The weekly briefing, 21 July 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. Mali peace talks begin in Algiers as French military operation in Sahel region expands, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 shot down over eastern Ukraine, Asian icebreakers move into the Arctic, and more.

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The weekly briefing, 14 July 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. German chancellor expels CIA station chief in Berlin as further US spying activities uncovered, Palestinian death toll rises as Israel continues military offensive against the Gaza Strip, threefold increase in Russian strategic bomber flights over Arctic Ocean, and more.

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The weekly briefing, 7 July 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. Libyan government resumes control over eastern oil terminals after agreement with rebels, protests and bomb blasts mark one-year anniversary of military coup in Egypt that ousted the Muslim Brotherhood, Russian bombers ‘test’ Canada’s military readiness, and more.

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The weekly briefing, 16 June 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. World Cup 2014 commences in Brazil with no major reported incidents despite numerous protests, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant seizes large parts of Nineveh province and pushes further south towards Baghdad, meeting of Russian foreign minister and Finnish president fuels debate on NATO membership, and more.

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