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Remote control war: Unmanned combat air vehicles in China, India, Iran, Israel, Russia and Turkey

Open Briefing has identified at least 200 different UAVs in use or in development by China, India, Iran, Israel, Russia and Turkey, with 29 of these being armed drones. The study also assesses the likely future use of armed drones by each country.

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Press release: New report lifts the lid on the development and spread of armed drones around the world

Open Briefing has today published a major new study that identifies at least 200 different UAVs in use or in development by China, India, Iran, Israel, Russia and Turkey, with 29 of these being armed drones.

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Intelligence brief: Russia forward deploys advanced MiG-31BM “Foxhound” interceptors to Arctic base on Novaya Zemlya Island

Open Briefing: Russia has forward deployed a squadron of MiG-31BM “Foxhounds” (a two-seat, long-range, supersonic, all-weather interceptor aircraft) to Rogachevo Arctic Airbase off the northern coast of Russia.

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