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Remote-control warfare briefing #8, January 2015: Attacks in Paris, terrorist use of drones, Sony Pictures hack

Monthly briefing from the Open Briefing intelligence unit on developments in remote-control warfare. This month: attacks in France, Australia and Canada highlight domestic deployment of special operations forces for counter-terrorism operations; terrorist use of drones presents major potential threat to key sites and personnel in West; hack on Sony Pictures highlights key challenges in cyber security and conflict; and more.

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Latest report card from Open Briefing! October-December 2014

As part of our commitment to full transparency and accountability, we prepare evaluation reports every quarter to assess the progress we have achieved against our published objectives. We publish these reports in full, uncensored, on our website so our community can hold us to account. We have just published the evaluation report for October-December 2014, and it was a hugely successful three months for Open Briefing!

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The monthly briefing, January 2015: Ongoing operations against al-Shabaab in Somalia reach pivotal phase, attacks in Paris risk further polarising French populace, Yemen’s security situation continues to deteriorate

Monthly briefing on political and security developments around the world. This month: ongoing operations against al-Shabaab in Somalia reach pivotal phase; attacks in Paris risk further polarising French populace and increasing prejudices against Muslims; Yemen’s security situation continues to deteriorate following number of violent incidents and kidnappings; and more.

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Special forces, mercenaries, cyber warfare, drones and intelligence: Remote-control warfare briefing #7

Monthly briefing from the Open Briefing intelligence unit on developments in remote-control warfare. This month: Afghan policy reversal reinstates special forces night raids; historic verdict in Blackwater Iraq shootings trial could set precedent; United States facing multiple cyber offensives from state and non-state adversaries; and more.

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The monthly briefing, December 2014: Civilian rule returns to Burkina Faso, concern over Russia’s territorial expansion, conflict with Islamic State increasingly complex

The first in a new series of monthly political and security risk briefings that have replaced our weekly updates. This month: civilian rule returns to Burkina Faso but armed forces retain considerable power; concern over territorial expansion after Russia signs treaty with Georgian breakaway territory of Abkhazia; conflict with Islamic State in Syria becomes increasingly complex; and more.

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Kobane, and the failure of Turkey’s Kurdish policy

Heavily influenced by the memories and legacies of the past, Turkey has not demonstrated the required degree of flexibility and imagination in dealing with the issue of Syria’s Kurds. This article from Open Briefing contributing analyst Arman Baisuanov explores Turkey's complex and differing relationships with Kurds in Iraq, Syria and Turkey and sets out some of the failings of its Kurdish policies in light of events in Kobane.

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A complex transition to power is in the making in Burkina Faso

Blaise Compaoré’s departure after 27 years at the helm of Burkina Faso was the result of a show of popular resilience and strength. However, the immediate aftermath of this event raises some doubts over whether anything will change at all. While Compaoré resigned due to the popular protests and the anti-establishment violence that ensued, the revolution in Burkina Faso seems to have been hijacked by the military.

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