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Intelligence brief: The likelihood and potential impacts of alternative South Sudan oil pipelines

Open Briefing: Reports that construction of an alternative oil pipeline from South Sudan to Port Lamu, Kenya, will begin in October 2013 are overly optimistic and on-schedule pipeline construction is unlikely. However, Juba is highly likely to continue to seek alternatives to the existing pipeline to Port Sudan, Sudan.

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Untangling Egypt’s web of political and economic challenges

Open Briefing: Minimising IMF financial support through access to Gulf State finance allows Morsi to craft new political narratives that reject views of Egypt as a US client state and redefines Egypt within a framework of Arab nationalism and centre-right political Islam.

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Press release: New report calls for assertive diplomacy from Israel

Open Briefing has published a briefing paper calling for for more assertive diplomacy from Israel and a change in it’s current posturing, particularly in relation to the Palestinians, Iran and erstwhile allies, such as Turkey.

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Seizing the initiative: Israel’s strategic environment and the need for assertive diplomacy

Open Briefing: Israel’s strategic neighbourhood is in flux and Netanyahu’s second government has responded with reactive cautiousness. However, this dynamic calls instead for more assertive diplomacy and therefore a change in Israel’s current posturing.

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