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Iran’s cyber posture

The covert tit-for-tat war between Iran and Israel and various Western allies has steadily expanded to include a cocktail of diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions, attacks directed at civilians overseas, and now, a virtual war with real-life consequences. This intelligence brief examines Iran's cyber warfare capabilities and their likely intentions.

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The weekly briefing, 18 November 2013

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence desks. Gambia severs diplomatic ties with Taiwan, Polish far-right groups turn violent, confidence in the Geneva talks between the P5+1 and Iran fading, and more.

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The weekly briefing, 11 November 2013

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence desks. Includes the surrender of the M23 rebel group in DRC and the landmark agreement reached between the Colombian government and FARC over the left-wing guerrilla group's political participation.

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Intelligence brief: Internal security risk assessment for Greece, autumn 2013

Internal security risk assessment for Greece. Assesses the political violence risk (high), civil unrest risk (medium) and crime risk (high). Includes discussion of the wave of attacks by anarchist organisations and the rising petty crime levels following the introduction of austerity measures.

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The weekly briefing, 4 November 2013

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence desks. Includes the obstacles emerging ahead of proposed peace talks to end Syria’s civil war and the accelerating Russian military build-up in the Arctic.

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