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The weekly briefing, 27 January 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. South Sudan government and rebel forces sign ceasefire agreement, India and Japan seek agreement on civilian nuclear cooperation, the IMO finalises draft Polar Code for Arctic shipping, and more.

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Latest report card for Open Briefing!

As part of our commitment to full transparency and accountability, we prepare evaluation reports every quarter to assess the progress we have achieved against our published objectives. We publish these reports in full, uncensored, on our website so our community can hold us to account. We have now published the evaluation report for October to December 2013.

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The weekly briefing, 13 January 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. Fresh fighting erupts in Central African Republic after president and prime minister resign, Turkey’s leadership continues crackdown on investigators into government corruption, Syrian rebel groups takeover Aleppo headquarters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and more.

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2013: The year of the drone?

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism's new annual report reveals that for the first time since 2004 there were no confirmed reports of civilian casualties in Pakistan from US drone strikes. However, in this blog post, Open Briefing's Executive Director, Chris Abbott, argues it is not all good news and asks whether 2014 might, in fact, be the year of the drone.

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Australia’s regional foreign policy left standing in the shadows of the Anglosphere

Upon taking government, Australia’s conservative coalition parties had a simple foreign policy refrain: more Jakarta, less Geneva. Yet the country is struggling to reconcile historical alliances to the Five Eyes network and the rising ASEAN heavyweights. In short, Australia may still be standing in the shadows of the Anglosphere.

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