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The view from Russia: Russia’s neighbours react to annexation of Crimea

A fortnightly series looking at how major events and issues are reported in Russian media. This week we examine the limited coverage of the reactions to the Crimean referendum of Russia’s immediate neighbours and so-called allies, former Soviet satellites and members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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The weekly briefing, 24 March 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. Removal of Bogota’s mayor threatens Colombia’s peace process, Ukraine signs EU partnership agreement as Putin signs annexation of Crimea, Russia holds large-scale military exercises along border with Finland, and more.

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How Israel should approach Iran’s nuclear programme

In this article for the Jerusalem Post, Open Briefing Middle East analyst Kevjn Lim proposes a controversial three-part strategy to strengthen Israel's 'Iron Wall' by bringing a nuclear-threshold Iran under firm international constraints, restoring Israel’s conventional deterrence, and closing the gap with Israel’s closest allies.

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The view from Russia: Russia faces off with the West over Crimea

A fortnightly series looking at how major events and issues are reported in Russian media. This week we examine how Russian moves in Crimea are being reported, including attempts to identify Russian military vehicles in use by the unidentified gunmen at key Crimean points and the lack of a status quo option in the upcoming Crimean referendum.

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The weekly briefing, 10 March 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. Venezuela’s turmoil exposes domestic and regional political rifts, China’s National People’s Congress begins its annual meeting with early indications of political priorities, the political crisis in Ukraine escalates as Crimean parliament votes to join Russia, and more.

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Forecasting insecurity and conflict in Africa

Open Briefing published three synthesis reports over February outlining the findings from our major project forecasting insecurity and conflict in Africa during 2014. The study forms part of a wider research theme within Open Briefing, which is concerned with developing effective methodologies for forecasting political, security and economic risk within countries.

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The weekly briefing, 3 March 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. Ukraine accuses Russia of invasion, embezzlement scandal further discredits Colombian military, Egypt’s prime minister announces resignation of his cabinet, and more.

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