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Drones, special forces and mercenaries: Remote-control warfare briefing #05

Monthly briefing from the Open Briefing intelligence unit on developments in remote-control warfare. This month: increasing number of mercenaries in foreign conflicts from Balkans region; state and non-state hacker groups launch cyber attacks on Israel in response to Operation Protective Edge; US officials grapple with political and economic costs of NSA’s surveillance activities; and more.

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The weekly briefing, 28 July 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. United States to consider limited refugee programme in Central America amid immigration emergency, European Union scales up economic sanctions against Russia, international efforts to secure ceasefire between Israel and Hamas continue as death toll tops 1,000, and more.

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Remote-control warfare briefing #04

Monthly briefing from the Open Briefing intelligence unit on developments in remote-control warfare. This month: eminent task force delivers detailed report examining US drone policy; significant malware distribution and network monitoring on rise across Iraq; British parliament passes ‘emergency’ data retention and surveillance legislation; and more.

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Intelligence brief: The use of barrel bombs by the Syrian government

Barrel bombs are a type of IED dropped from a helicopter or cargo aircraft. It is estimated that 5-6,000 such bombs have been dropped by the Syrian military since the uprising began, killing at least 20,000 people. This intelligence brief explores the reasons behind the Syrian government's use of these improvised devices and assesses whether targeting helicopter manufacturers or spare-part suppliers might be an effective strategy for international NGOs wishing to put pressure on the Syrian government to end its use of these weapons.

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The weekly briefing, 14 July 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. German chancellor expels CIA station chief in Berlin as further US spying activities uncovered, Palestinian death toll rises as Israel continues military offensive against the Gaza Strip, threefold increase in Russian strategic bomber flights over Arctic Ocean, and more.

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The weekly briefing, 7 July 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. Libyan government resumes control over eastern oil terminals after agreement with rebels, protests and bomb blasts mark one-year anniversary of military coup in Egypt that ousted the Muslim Brotherhood, Russian bombers ‘test’ Canada’s military readiness, and more.

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Remote-control warfare briefing #03

Monthly briefing from the Open Briefing intelligence unit on developments in remote-control warfare. This month: leaked defence company presentation reveals United States’ Afghanistan exit strategy relies on private contractors; US justice department indicts five members of Chinese People’s Liberation Army for hacking into US corporate networks; United Kingdom’s signals intelligence agency forced to reveal its policy on mass surveillance; and more.

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The weekly briefing, 16 June 2014

Political and security risk updates from the Open Briefing intelligence unit. World Cup 2014 commences in Brazil with no major reported incidents despite numerous protests, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant seizes large parts of Nineveh province and pushes further south towards Baghdad, meeting of Russian foreign minister and Finnish president fuels debate on NATO membership, and more.

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