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The weekly briefing, 13 September 2016: High Negotiations Committee of the Syrian Opposition sets out roadmap for transition from civil war, two brothers arrested in west London on suspicion of planning Paris-style terrorist attack, General Khalifa Haftar’s forces seize key oil terminals in Libya’s ‘oil crescent’

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: High Negotiations Committee of the Syrian Opposition sets out roadmap for transition from civil war, two brothers arrested in west London on suspicion of planning Paris-style terrorist attack, General Khalifa Haftar’s forces seize key oil terminals in Libya’s ‘oil crescent’ held by supporters of UN-backed Libyan government.

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The weekly briefing, 23 August 2016: Libyan parliament passes vote of no confidence in UN-backed government, Kurdish People’s Protection Units launch major assault against Syrian government forces in Hasaka, violent clashes continue between police and pro-separatist protesters in Indian-administered Kashmir

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: Libyan parliament passes vote of no confidence in UN-backed government; Kurdish People's Protection Units launch major assault against Syrian government forces in Hasaka; violent clashes continue between police and pro-separatist protesters in Indian-administered Kashmir; and more.

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The weekly briefing, 10 August 2016: Colombian government and FARC agree on UN-brokered deal, large crowds attend rally in support of Turkish president, scores killed during protests in Ethiopian capital

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: Colombian government and FARC agree on UN-brokered deal to disarm guerrillas; large crowds attend rally in support of Turkish president following recent coup attempt; scores killed and many arrested during protests in Ethiopian capital; and more.

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The weekly briefing, 2 August 2016: United Kingdom begins to feel negative economic consequences of Brexit decision, al-Nusra Front changes name and splits from al-Qaeda, Thailand’s ruling junta cracking down on dissent ahead of constitutional referendum

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: United Kingdom begins to feel negative economic consequences of decision by small majority of British voters to leave European Union; al-Nusra Front in Syria changes name and splits from al-Qaeda; Thailand’s ruling junta cracking down on dissent ahead of scheduled constitutional referendum that could strengthen its authority; and more.

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The weekly briefing, 26 July 2016: Zimbabwe war veterans withdraw support for Robert Mugabe, Brazilian federal police arrest 10 people suspected of planning to attack Olympic Games, four violent attacks occur across southern Germany in last week

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association withdraws support for Robert Mugabe; Federal police in Brazil arrest 10 people suspected of planning to carry out terrorist attack during Olympic Games; four violent attacks occur across southern Germany in last week, with two linked to Islamic State; and more.

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The weekly briefing, 19 July 2016: Venezuela’s president appoints defence minister as ‘co-president’, Papua New Guinea’s opposition issues no confidence motion in country’s prime minister, attack on Bastille Day celebrations in Nice leaves 84 people dead

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: Venezuela’s president orders military to regulate five of country’s largest ports and appoints defence minister as ‘co-president’; Papua New Guinea’s opposition issues no confidence motion in country’s prime minister; Lorry driven through Bastille Day celebrations in Nice, France, leaving 84 dead in attack claimed by Islamic State; and more.

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The weekly briefing, 12 July 2016: UN tribunal rules on South China Sea dispute between Philippines and China; long-awaited Iraq Inquiry report leads to fresh calls for Tony Blair to face legal action over his role in Iraq war; opposition fighters launch attack on government-held districts in Aleppo after Syrian government forces cut supply route into city

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: UN International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea rules on dispute between Philippines and China over latter’s claims to South China Sea; long-awaited Iraq Inquiry report finally published and leads to fresh calls for former British prime minster Tony Blair to face legal action over his role in Iraq war; opposition fighters launch attack on government-held districts in Aleppo, Syria, after government forces cut their last supply route into city; and more.

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The weekly briefing, 28 June 2016: Terrorist attacks in Somalia, Madagascar and Jordan; Britain votes to leave EU; North Korea tests intermediate-range missiles

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: al-Shabaab attacks hotel in Mogadishu, Islamic State carries out first attack in Jordan and two people killed in grenade attack in Madagascar; Britain reels from the political and economic fallout from the referendum vote to leave the European Union; North Korea test fires two intermediate-range missiles towards Japan; and more.

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