Open Briefing: An Israeli strike against Iran is highly unlikely between the US presidential elections in November 2012 and the Israeli elections in January 2013, and unlikely between January and the Iranian presidential elections in June 2013.
Tag: attack on Iran
Intelligence brief: Will the United States or the United Kingdom play a role in supporting any Israeli military strike against Iran in the six months following the 2012 US presidential election?
Open Briefing: The United States and Britain are unlikely to support any Israeli strike against Iran in the first six months following the November 2012 US presidential election. This will likely remain the case regardless of who wins the election.
Iran’s secret weapon
This article from Open Briefing argues that Israel is unlikely to cease targeting human assets linked to Iran's nuclear programme, while Iran and its affiliates are equally unlikely to desist from hurting Jewish interests and Israeli citizens worldwide.
Dossier: Iran, Israel and the consequences of military strikes
Tensions between Iran and key Western governments and Israel are entering singularly dangerous straits and the consequences of military strikes would be far reaching and serious ...
Israel’s reluctant friend
Talk of allowing its airstrips to be used in a military strike against Iran thrust Azerbaijan into the spotlight. It doesn’t want to be there ...