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Category: Political and security risk updates

The weekly briefing, 28 June 2016: Terrorist attacks in Somalia, Madagascar and Jordan; Britain votes to leave EU; North Korea tests intermediate-range missiles

Political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: al-Shabaab attacks hotel in Mogadishu, Islamic State carries out first attack in Jordan and two people killed in grenade attack in Madagascar; Britain reels from the political and economic fallout from the referendum vote to leave the European Union; North Korea test fires two intermediate-range missiles towards Japan; and more.

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Weekly political and security risk update, 21 June 2016: US Senate votes down gun control measures; Britain gears up for EU referendum; Russia plans to maintain mliitary presence in Arctic

The first in a new series of weekly briefings covering political and security risk updates from around the world. This week: the US Senate has voted down four separate gun control measures in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, which killed 49 people; the United Kingdom will shortly vote on its membership of the European Union against the backdrop of an increasingly antagonistic campaign and the shocking far-right murder of a pro-EU MP; Russia has announced it plans to maintain its military presence in the Artic region; and more from Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Polar regions.

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The monthly briefing, May 2015: Increasing pressure from United States risks China hastening land reclamation projects, Hungary’s far-right party on the rise, Syrian rebels make significant gains in government territory

Political and security risk updates from Open Briefing and Bradburys Global Risk Partners. This month: increasing pressure from United States risks China hastening land reclamation projects to cement territorial claims in South China Sea; Hungary’s far-right party on the rise; Syrian rebels make significant gains in government territory but Islamic State poses looming threat; and more.

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The monthly briefing, April 2015: Summit of the Americas will test US relations with Cuba and Venezuela, relations between China and Myanmar sour, Iran and P5+1 reach outline agreement

Political and security risk updates from Open Briefing and Bradburys Global Risk Partners. This month: summit of the Americas will test US relations with Cuba and Venezuela; relations between China and Myanmar sour as conflict with Kokang rebels continues; Iran and P5+1 reach outline agreement on Tehran’s controversial nuclear programme; and more.

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The monthly briefing, March 2015: Philippines military engages militant Islamist groups, Hungary balancing between the East and West, fighting continues for control of key Syrian cities

Monthly briefing on political and security developments around the world. This month: Philippines military engages in large-scale offensives against militant Islamist groups; Hungary balancing between the East and West as prime minister seeks strong political ties with Russia; fighting continues for control of key Syrian cities as Islamic State kidnaps hundreds of Assyrian Christians; and more.

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The monthly briefing, February 2015: China increases efforts to crackdown on separatist violence in Xinjiang province, political situation in Yemen unravels, regional task force to fight Boko Haram needs Nigerian support

Monthly briefing on political and security developments around the world. This month: China increases efforts to crackdown on separatist violence in Xinjiang province; political situation in Yemen unravels, spurring protest and domestic unrest; regional task force to fight Boko Haram needs Nigerian support; and more.

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The monthly briefing, January 2015: Ongoing operations against al-Shabaab in Somalia reach pivotal phase, attacks in Paris risk further polarising French populace, Yemen’s security situation continues to deteriorate

Monthly briefing on political and security developments around the world. This month: ongoing operations against al-Shabaab in Somalia reach pivotal phase; attacks in Paris risk further polarising French populace and increasing prejudices against Muslims; Yemen’s security situation continues to deteriorate following number of violent incidents and kidnappings; and more.

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The monthly briefing, December 2014: Civilian rule returns to Burkina Faso, concern over Russia’s territorial expansion, conflict with Islamic State increasingly complex

The first in a new series of monthly political and security risk briefings that have replaced our weekly updates. This month: civilian rule returns to Burkina Faso but armed forces retain considerable power; concern over territorial expansion after Russia signs treaty with Georgian breakaway territory of Abkhazia; conflict with Islamic State in Syria becomes increasingly complex; and more.

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