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Blowback: The failure of remote-control warfare

It all seemed so convenient: remote-control warfare would minimise military casualties while rendering the civilian dead invisible. But in this article co-published with openDemocracy, Open Briefing's executive director, Chris Abbott, explains how the battlefield has come home and remote-control warfare is failing.

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Why the EU wants Pakistan to condemn Russia. (And why it probably won’t.)

In December 2014, the EU envoy to Pakistan, Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, urged the country to condemn Russia over what he characterised as ‘violations by a very aggressive Russia against Ukraine’. His intervention has been made at a time when there is a thaw in Pakistan-Russia relations after decades of animosity and mistrust. While the new friendship with Moscow is attractive for Islamabad, Wigemark’s warning puts Pakistan in a difficult position.

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Remote-control warfare briefing #8, January 2015: Attacks in Paris, terrorist use of drones, Sony Pictures hack

Monthly briefing from the Open Briefing intelligence unit on developments in remote-control warfare. This month: attacks in France, Australia and Canada highlight domestic deployment of special operations forces for counter-terrorism operations; terrorist use of drones presents major potential threat to key sites and personnel in West; hack on Sony Pictures highlights key challenges in cyber security and conflict; and more.

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Transnational organised crime monthly briefing, January 2015: Spotlight on Africa

Monthly intelligence briefing on transnational organised crime from Dr Mary Young. This month's spotlight on Africa includes details of the warship gifted to the Nigerian Navy by the United States to help combat transnational organised maritime crime in Nigerian waters, including piracy, oil theft and terrorism.

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The monthly briefing, January 2015: Ongoing operations against al-Shabaab in Somalia reach pivotal phase, attacks in Paris risk further polarising French populace, Yemen’s security situation continues to deteriorate

Monthly briefing on political and security developments around the world. This month: ongoing operations against al-Shabaab in Somalia reach pivotal phase; attacks in Paris risk further polarising French populace and increasing prejudices against Muslims; Yemen’s security situation continues to deteriorate following number of violent incidents and kidnappings; and more.

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Transnational organised crime monthly briefing, December 2014: Spotlight on the Americas

The first in a new series of monthly intelligence briefings on transnational organised crime from Dr Mary Young. This month's spotlight on the Americas includes details of a drug smuggling trial of four French citizens that highlights corruption and human rights abuses in Dominican Republic’s judiciary.

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Special forces, mercenaries, cyber warfare, drones and intelligence: Remote-control warfare briefing #7

Monthly briefing from the Open Briefing intelligence unit on developments in remote-control warfare. This month: Afghan policy reversal reinstates special forces night raids; historic verdict in Blackwater Iraq shootings trial could set precedent; United States facing multiple cyber offensives from state and non-state adversaries; and more.

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The monthly briefing, December 2014: Civilian rule returns to Burkina Faso, concern over Russia’s territorial expansion, conflict with Islamic State increasingly complex

The first in a new series of monthly political and security risk briefings that have replaced our weekly updates. This month: civilian rule returns to Burkina Faso but armed forces retain considerable power; concern over territorial expansion after Russia signs treaty with Georgian breakaway territory of Abkhazia; conflict with Islamic State in Syria becomes increasingly complex; and more.

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