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Category: Intelligence desks

Untangling Egypt’s web of political and economic challenges

Open Briefing: Minimising IMF financial support through access to Gulf State finance allows Morsi to craft new political narratives that reject views of Egypt as a US client state and redefines Egypt within a framework of Arab nationalism and centre-right political Islam.

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Seizing the initiative: Israel’s strategic environment and the need for assertive diplomacy

Open Briefing: Israel’s strategic neighbourhood is in flux and Netanyahu’s second government has responded with reactive cautiousness. However, this dynamic calls instead for more assertive diplomacy and therefore a change in Israel’s current posturing.

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Intelligence brief: How are key National Congress Party ministers managing Sudan’s dual economic and security crises?

Open Briefing: An analysis of media imprints from the last three months provides an insight into how key National Congress Party ministers are managing Sudan's dual economic and security crises.

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Intelligence brief: The likely development of Turkish policy towards Syria

Open Briefing: Turkey is highly likely to seek a leading diplomatic role as the end of the Bashar al-Assad regime appears more likely but is unlikely to shut its border with Syria and highly unlikely to be involved in military action on Syrian territory.

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