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Category: Intelligence desks

Intelligence brief: Russia forward deploys advanced MiG-31BM “Foxhound” interceptors to Arctic base on Novaya Zemlya Island

Open Briefing: Russia has forward deployed a squadron of MiG-31BM “Foxhounds” (a two-seat, long-range, supersonic, all-weather interceptor aircraft) to Rogachevo Arctic Airbase off the northern coast of Russia.

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Taking stock in Somalia

Open Briefing: After 20 years of failed statehood Somalia now shows the first signs of a new political conjuncture that could bring about peace. However, al-Shabaab will continue to play a role in shaping the country's future.

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Dossier: The prospects for peace in Thailand’s deep south

This Open Briefing dossier explores the roots of the slow burning Malay Muslim insurgency in Thailand's deep south and the complicated challenge it poses the country's Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra.

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