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Category: Europe and Central Asia

The view from Russia: Eastern Ukraine regions hold referendum on autonomy

A fortnightly series looking at how major events and issues are reported in Russian media. This week we examine the Kremlins tepid reaction to the referendums recently held in eastern Ukraine, which stands in marked contrast to its rapid annexation of Crimea.

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The view from Russia: Russia reacts to looming sanctions

A fortnightly series looking at how major events and issues are reported in Russian media. This week we examine the Kremlin's reaction to the United States' threat to impose additional, more severe, economic sanctions against Russia if it does not cease interference in Ukraine and pull its troops back from the border.

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The view from Russia: Aftermath of the revolution in Ukraine

A fortnightly series looking at how major events and issues are reported in Russian media. This week we examine the way pro-Kremlin Russian media has been portraying the current situation in Ukraine as increasingly dangerous and unstable, with the interim government unable to maintain even basic law and order.

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The view from Russia: Russia’s neighbours react to annexation of Crimea

A fortnightly series looking at how major events and issues are reported in Russian media. This week we examine the limited coverage of the reactions to the Crimean referendum of Russia’s immediate neighbours and so-called allies, former Soviet satellites and members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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The view from Russia: Russia faces off with the West over Crimea

A fortnightly series looking at how major events and issues are reported in Russian media. This week we examine how Russian moves in Crimea are being reported, including attempts to identify Russian military vehicles in use by the unidentified gunmen at key Crimean points and the lack of a status quo option in the upcoming Crimean referendum.

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Intelligence brief: Internal security risk assessment for Greece, autumn 2013

Internal security risk assessment for Greece. Assesses the political violence risk (high), civil unrest risk (medium) and crime risk (high). Includes discussion of the wave of attacks by anarchist organisations and the rising petty crime levels following the introduction of austerity measures.

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