We work hard to achieve an impact far beyond what our size and budget might suggest. We can only do this with the continued financial support of people like you who believe in what we are doing.
Open Briefing is the world’s first civil society intelligence agency. We produce actionable and predictive intelligence on defence, security and foreign policy matters. We tell you what has happened and what is likely to happen next. Most importantly, we tell you why.
Key services we provide include:
- Responding to intelligence requests from non-governmental organisations.
- Issuing accessible intelligence briefings and risk assessments for the general public.
- Assessing and disseminating open source intelligence.
- Publishing policy-orientated briefing papers and articles.
- Providing expert consultancy services to the third sector.
We do this so that better informed citizens can more effectively engage in peace and security debates and civil society organisations can make the right advocacy choices. Together, we can influence positive policy decisions by our governments.
Open Briefing is a bold and ambitious not-for-profit social enterprise. We are a unique collaboration of intelligence, military, law enforcement and government professionals from around the world. The vast majority of our funding comes from grants from charitable trusts and foundations, together with small donations from a growing number of individuals from around the world.
Leveraging a network of volunteers enables us to achieve an impact and influence far beyond what our size and budget would suggest and fully maximises donor’s financial input. By also using a virtual office and keeping overheads to an absolute minimum, the majority of our income (75%) can be spent directly on our peace and security work, with only 5% budgeted for overheads!
We need your financial support now to continue and expand our unique peace and security work.
Which of the following best describes you?
I am an individual donor
I am a funder
I am a philanthropist or investor
Or make a donation now…
Many thanks!
Chris Abbott
Founder & Executive Director, Open Briefing