We spend a third of our adult lives in the workplace, and we should not have to leave our mental health at the door each morning. In a healthy workplace, we bring our whole selves to work. This especially so of the human rights defenders, humanitarians and activists that Open Briefing supports across the world.
Mental Health First Aid England and its partners are calling on employers to lay down their commitment to workplace wellbeing by signing the Workplace Manifesto. Today – at the start of Mental Health Awareness Week – Open Briefing has done just that, and become one of the first organisations to sign the manifesto. In signing, we recognise that:
- Everyone has mental health – whether you’re a CEO, manager, construction worker, MP, celebrity or a member of the royal family. Mental ill health doesn’t discriminate, so every organisation needs to stand up, tackle the stigma, and prioritise mental health in the workplace.
- We need to build a diverse and inclusive workplace to lead to a happier and healthier working environment where people feel free to bring their whole selves to work.
- We need to treat mental and physical health equally in the workplace. Strengthening how mental health is protected under health and safety legislation is a key part of this – every employee has a right to mental health first aid just as they do physical first aid.
- Employers need to turn mental health awareness into positive action and develop a ‘whole organisation’ approach to workplace mental health by striving to implement the six ‘core standards’ for a mentally healthy workplace as set out in the Government’s Thriving at Work review.
- Produce, implement and communicate a mental health at work plan.
- Develop mental health awareness among employees.
- Encourage open conversations about mental health and the support available when employees are struggling.
- Provide your employees with good working conditions.
- Promote effective people management.
- Routinely monitor employee mental health and wellbeing.
If your organisation shares this approach, please consider signing the manifesto today. If you would like to discuss how best to implement the core standards, please contact our wellbeing and resilience team to arrange a meeting. We can support organisations with staff wellbeing and resilience audits, counselling and Psychological First Aid, family liaison, and safeguarding audits, among other services and trainings.
Pledge your commitment to #workplacewellbeing by signing up to support the #WheresYourHeadAt? Workplace Manifesto. To find out more and to join the calls for a mentally healthier working world visit wheresyourheadat.org #MentalHealthAwarenessWeekClick To TweetOpen Briefing is a member of the Mental Health Innovation Network and a signatory of the Charter For Employers Who Are Positive About Mental Health. All our counsellors are accredited by the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) and other relevant governing bodies.