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So, how did we do? An evaluation of the last three years of Open Briefing

Evaluation form photo

Open Briefing publishes clear objectives and targets to help drive our development and provide concrete evidence by which we can be held to account by funders and others.

During 2012-15, we had 10 objectives covering impact, influence and development. We have now reviewed our progress against these objectives and published an evaluation of our activity over the last three years.

We surpassed the target in half of our objectives over 2012-15. We achieved over 50% of the target for all bar one of the remaining five objectives. We were particularly successful in the number of publications we produced (144% of target) and the percentage of our income that came from sources others than trusts and foundations (150% of target). Overall, we produced some truly groundbreaking intelligence work during 2012-15 and made several significant interventions in key peace and security debates.

Our targets were very ambitious for a young organisation with a small budget. During 2012-15, there was an overall mismatch between our demanding objectives and the resources we had available to meet those targets. When developing our plan for the next three years, we had to lower our ambitions or raise our income; we choose the later path, and have implemented a new fundraising plan in order to ensure we have the resources necessary to achieve the groundbreaking work we have planned for the next three years.

If you value our work to keep those striving to make the world a better place safe and informed, please consider making a donation in support our ongoing efforts.

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