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Opportunities for wellbeing trainers at Open Briefing (remote)

Staff wellbeing image

Are you passionate about building staff wellbeing and resilience?
Do you want to help human rights defenders and aid workers avoid burnout?
Are you comfortable and experienced in delivering trainings, webinars and workshops online to diverse clients?

Open Briefing is a unique social enterprise providing defenders and humanitarians with the physical, digital and psychosocial security support that they need to continue their vital work safely.

We need to expand our team of consultant trainers in response to increased demand for online trainings on staff wellbeing. Working with clients of all sizes, from small human rights groups to global humanitarian agencies, our trainers take staff through a series of online trainings, carefully building relationships with key contacts as the series progresses.

You should be familiar with Psychological First Aid, comfortable designing and delivering online programmes, and ideally be a member of a relevant mental health accrediting body.

For more information, please contact our wellbeing and resilience lead, Lynn Keane, at lynn.keane@openbriefing.org.