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Psychological First Aid: Guidance for those supporting activists and advocates at risk

In the first 24-72 hours after any critical incident or crisis, those responding can take appropriate actions to help affected people cope more effectively and reduce further stress and trauma. Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-based approach for assisting people of any age or background in the immediate aftermath of traumatic events. It can reduce initial distress, foster short- and long-term coping behaviours, and reduce the occurrence of PTSD.

In a new resource published today, Open Briefing’s wellbeing and resilience team offers vital guidance on how to provide PFA to activists and advocates you may be supporting. It also describes common responses to traumatic events and explains self-care measures affected people can follow.

This resource is ideal for activists supporting each other as well as for foundations and NGOs supporting local partners. It is available online and to download in 10 languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, Farsi, French, Burmese, Pashto, Portuguese, Ukrainian, and Chinese (Hong Kong).

Please visit https://openbriefing.gitbook.io/psychological-first-aid/ to access this resource.