The Bureau of Investigative Journalism's new annual report reveals that for the first time since 2004 there were no confirmed reports of civilian casualties in Pakistan from US drone strikes. However, in this blog post, Open Briefing's Executive Director, Chris Abbott, argues it is not all good news and asks whether 2014 might, in fact, be the year of the drone.
Category: Blog
Australia and the Five Eyes
In this second post on Australia's developing regional foreign policy, Open Briefing adviser Martin Quadroy explores how Canberra will balance its commitment to the Five Eyes intelligence pact with the pressing need to maintain and develop security and economic partnerships with its neighbours.
Chris Abbott interviewed on TZM Global Radio
Open Briefing's founder and Executive Director, Chris Abbott, was interviewed on TZM Global Radio on 18 December. In the hour-long interview, Chris discussed Open Briefing, drone warfare, the nature of think tanks, the increasing autonomous decision-making of military technologies, and much more!
Australia’s regional foreign policy left standing in the shadows of the Anglosphere
Upon taking government, Australia’s conservative coalition parties had a simple foreign policy refrain: more Jakarta, less Geneva. Yet the country is struggling to reconcile historical alliances to the Five Eyes network and the rising ASEAN heavyweights. In short, Australia may still be standing in the shadows of the Anglosphere.
Our intelligence method (or how we differ to think tanks)
Open Briefing utilises tools and methodologies from the intelligence community and applies robust and rigorous analytical processes in our work. This post explains how our work is driven by the 'intelligence cycle' and outlines some of the protocols we use.
Holiday closing
Open Briefing will close for the Christmas period on Thursday 19 December and open again on Monday 6th January. Wishing you all a happy and peaceful holiday season!
How to follow Open Briefing’s work
We believe you should be able to access our material how you want, when you want. This blog post explains how you can keep up-to-date with world events and read our comment and analysis wherever you are.
Roundup of recent successes!
It has been a busy couple of months at Open Briefing! So much has happened recently that it can be hard to keep track of. So we thought we should take a moment to share with you some of our achievements from the last few weeks.