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Do GPS trackers only provide NGOs with the illusion of security?

NGOs are increasingly using GPS trackers to monitor the location and status of their staff in the field. When used correctly, trackers can help an organisation meet its duty of care obligations and provide staff in the field with a lifeline in the event of a security incident, such as a kidnapping. However, to work as intended, the right GPS tracker, secure tracking platform and monitoring and response must all be used together. If one side of this ‘tracking triangle’ is missing or inappropriate, then trackers will provide nothing more than the illusion of security.

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Open Briefing launches new mental health, psycho-social support and staff wellbeing services on Time to Talk Day

On Time to Talk Day, Open Briefing is launching a range of new mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) services as part of our mission to protect and strengthen civil society. This includes training in psychological first aid and advice on establishing peer support networks and writing family liaison and staff wellbeing policies, for example.

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Uncomfortable bedfellows? NGOs and private security and risk companies

Private security companies are in the news again this week with revalations that several large companies have used private intelligence firms to monitor campaign groups. What is surprising is the rumours that numerous well-known NGOs and charities are making use of multinational private companies for their security risk management. Open Briefing has long been uncomfortable with this situation.

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A letter from our founder

A year ago today, we launched a range of new security risk management services and training for NGOs working in dangerous places. Twelve months on, and we need your support to continue our vital work protecting those who protect others. Please consider making a donation to Open Briefing today.

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