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Our new purpose, vision, mission and values statement

We believe it is important to know who we are and what we stand for. So with support from a wonderful volunteer communications professional on the Catchafire platform, we have written a new purpose, vision, mission and values (PVMV) statement.

Our purpose is our permanent DNA – it is the reason we exist. From this comes our long-term vision of the world we want to create and this gives rise to our mission, which is governed by our values.

Civil society and civic space are under serious threat from attacks, harassment and censorship; Open Briefing is a vital part of the response.

We want a world in which rights are realised and people are free.

We defend, strengthen and empower those on the frontlines of civil society by keeping them and their partners safe and secure online and in the real world.

Inclusive: We break down boundaries and work with all progressive civic actors in all countries. We keep them safe and secure both online and in the real world.

Agile: We work with energy and adaptability, reacting swiftly to need. We innovate and break new ground where we see unmet need.

Ethical: We live our values, with transparency, honesty and fairness at our heart. Ethics drive our decisions rather than constrain them.

Authentic: We speak our truth and never change what we know to be right in order to appease a powerful actor. We temper this courage with compassion in our work with partners.

Collaborative: We stand with our clients and beneficiaries as a trusted ally. We build transformative partnerships based on trust, cooperation and dialogue.

We hope our new PVMV statement confidently and clearly communicates to all our stakeholders what we do and why. If it speaks to you, please contact us for support or make a donation to help us protect human rights defenders, social justice leaders and other civic actors around the world.

PS. We have also created a new strapline: …defend, strengthen and empower (and will be unveiling our new logo soon!).