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Open Briefing joins the Vuka! coalition for civic action

Open Briefing is delighted to announce that it has been invited to be an ally (i.e. member) of the Vuka! coalition for civic action.

Over 150 organisations have recently come together to form Vuka! in order to combat the global crackdown on civic space. The coalition’s mission is to help secure crucial short- and long-term victories to regain civic space. Together, we aim to do this in three ways:

  1. Better sharing of information, insights and resources.
  2. Solidarity through co-ordination and joint action.
  3. Identifying, developing and incubating new forms of resistance and organisation.

As well as helping to deliver the above priorities, Open Briefing will be a member of the ‘Rapid Response’ and ‘Technology and Security’ action teams within Vuka!.

The coalition is made up of a diverse spectrum of international, regional and national civil society organisations, including women’s groups, social movements, labour organisers, humanitarian groups, development organisations, environmental groups and human rights defender coalitions. This includes big players, such as Greenpeace International, Save the Children and Oxfam International; our colleagues in the protection ecosystem, including Access Now, Tactical Tech and Front Line Defenders; and civil society organisations across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Being a Vuka! ally is one example of our growing strategic efforts to ensure that our work with threatened civil society organisations and activists will be more than just a ‘sticking plaster’. We believe that working together with others, we can increase civil society’s resilience to attacks and reclaim civic space.