Felicity Runchman is a counsellor and trainer at Open Briefing. Felicity has over a decade’s experience in the social care and non-profit sectors, and has specialised in the humanitarian and human rights spheres since 2015, including two years at InterHealth Worldwide. Widely travelled, she has a professional interest in the particular experiences of stress, burnout, and trauma in individuals working in high-risk contexts and remote settings. In addition to her role at Open Briefing, Felicity has a small private psychotherapy practice and regularly delivers mental health trainings for organisations whose staff work internationally or in challenging environments. She is a contributor to the book Psychosocial Support For Workers On The Move: Improving Global Staff Care (Routledge, 2023). Felicity holds a master’s degree in counselling and psychotherapy and is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
Felicity is an independent consultant acting on Open Briefing’s behalf.